07 26 11 Wonder and Responsibility
As Alaskans, Cindee and I have always gathered wild berries, salmon and moose or caribou to provide for a significant part of our diet. Even so, we are really beginners in much of the processes of gardening and forest gardening. Only in the past two or three years have we begun to take more seriously the amazing variety of edible plants available all around us. Summer has therefore become a very interesting time of watching the plant life come alive and sampling the seasonal menu as each plant has its own time for fruitfulness. This summer w e are enjoying finding some of the new plants that are beginning to impose their presence on our property. A beautiful sour dock plant sprang up in the fruitful soil where we have been letting some of our compost age. Sour dock is a plant especially to flourish in northern climates and has long been a favorite of Native Americans and other Alaskans for preserving berries otherwise adding to diets. This year the chamomile also decid...