Gratitude is an attitude that a person has to learn and nurture. That has been true for me, and I believe it is true for others. There are always problems that we have to deal with, and I don’t want to minimize these, but it is too easy to become so fixated on today’s problems that we lose track both of all that has happened in the past to make the present possible. [1] When I contemplate such things I am filled with gratitude, both for the amazingly complex past that makes my present possible, and for the amazing potential for the future to which our present existence is contributing. It is this attitude of gratitude that helps me appreciate that all things have their purpose. I thought of this the other day as I was eating a salad made of home-grown greens. The salad included a variety of lettuce-like ingredients, plus onions, tomatoes and a garnish of flowers on top. It was a wonderfully flavorful blend, and beautiful. On the other hand, eating flowers...