01 02 12 Christmas: the Light Entering the World
“The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” John 1:9 There is great wisdom in placing the Christmas celebration at the darkest time of the calendar year. If we think of God as the Maker of all that is good—as the source (the true light) of the light that we find in our dark world—and if we think of Jesus as that source bearing light to us, then putting the celebration of Jesus’ birth in the darkest season is a true inspiration. Most of my adult life has been about living in ways that, in some small way, engage what we might call the “darkness” of human existence. Most recently, Cindee and I have especially worked to lift up the plight of our planet. Our planet’s ability to sustain living systems is suffering under the weight of too large a human population. More specifically, the planet suffers from too many people living in ways that are fouling the habitat for most of earth’s other creatures. This is why we bought our biosh...