02 28 12 Joining With Others
Last week we held another One People, One Earth public forum, but in Juneau this time. For those who don’t remember what that is about, I described our Anchorage meeting in my November blog entries, and you can see a synopsis here. I will say here that the One People, One Earth event is an interdisciplinary public panel focused on the moral urgency of dealing with the issues behind climate change and ocean acidification. It includes scientists from the University of Alaska, traditional Alaska Native elders from three tribes, and religious leaders from the Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Islamic faiths. There were a couple of differences this time compared the OPOE forums in Fairbanks and Anchorage. One difference was that a completely separate event was held at Northern Light United Church, just for the religious leaders to speak. Participating once again were Fr. Thomas Weise (Roman Catholic), Imam Ataur Chowdhury (Muslim) and myself (Protestant). How...