03 06 12 Awareness and Caring for our Elders
I promised to write a blog out of my understanding that the biblical witness desc ribes human beings as the youngest members in the Creation Family Tree. This is one way of understanding both our relationship with God’s creation and our responsibility to it. In earlier blog posts I already described why I think that is so ( here and here ). I suggested that it truly is appropriate to treat Genesis 1:1-2:4 (the six days of creation, plus the Sabbath) as a genealogy. Further, I pointed out that the Bible calls on the younger members of the family to honor and respect the older generations of the family. What my colleagues have asked me to do now is to spell out some examples of why I think we are failing in our task to honor and respect the older generations. As I have thought about it, I realize that I can’t cover it in one blog entry. How do we engage in caring for nature-as-our-elders in a way that will truly make a difference today? There are over seven billion pe...