Hard Work?
Today, Cindee and I are out putting down pilings for the greenhouse we are building. A greenhouse has always been a part of our permaculture design for this property. Alaska has such a short growing season that a greenhouse is a must for anyone, who wishes to enjoy crops like tomatoes, peppers or cucumbers. Besides, we get so much sun on our southwest-facing slope, it would be a real shame to waste it. Since our home has always been an experimental home, we decided our greenhouse needed to be an experimental design, as well. And since our home is now the Alaskan Ecoescape Permaculture Learning Center , we decided the greenhouse needed be built largely according to permaculture design principles. The result has been a lot of hard work. This is especially true, since we will build the walls of locally harvested clay, straw and sand. We will be offering a class on clay-straw building this weekend (June 1-2) and every...