From Relatives To Strangers...and Back
Sermon for the Stated Meeting of Presbytery Friday Night, Feb. 28, 2014 My brother has a cabin on a lake near Delta Jct. The shallow lake water gets so much heat from the sun that the algae grows green in it like pea soup, and I don’t really like to drink it. So, one June day I took my boat to collect drinking water from a freshwater stream. As I came around a bend, there, lying nestled on the bank, surrounded by lush green grass was a baby moose. It’s large eyes, and long legs identified it as a newborn, and it was beautiful. I felt a connection at that moment: a connection with this beautiful creature, with God’s marvelous creation and with God, the Creator of us all. What an amazing, holy moment! Looking at today’s reading from Colossians we see that Jesus Christ is the image of God and the firstborn of all creation. We also see that it is in Jesus Christ that all that is created is held together. Somehow, in the Christ,...