Trajectory--The New Covenant in Christ

One of the oldest, continuously occupied villages in Alaska is the village of Healy Lake. Archaeologists estimate that the Healy Lake Athabascans have enjoyed continual habitation there for over 11,000 years. My family members are newcomers to the lake. We began going there in 1967 (I think). We helped one family build a cabin there and later built one ourselves. It is a place of life and beauty and has become an especially sacred place in my heart. We travel by boat to Healy Lake in the summer, launching in the Tanana River near Delta Jct., cruising downstream to the mouth of the Healy River and then up the Healy for a few miles to Healy Lake, itself. Crossing the lake one can’t help but notice the skeleton branches of dead treetops sticking up, out of the water. Clearly, at one time there were significant, forest ecosystem-supporting islands there. As we cross the lake I remember enjoying a picnic at the top of one of those now-submerged...