
Showing posts from April, 2017

Repentance and Healing the Land

One of the Spirit’s movements of the past few years has been the linkage of ministry aimed at addressing the renunciation of the doctrine of discovery with ministry aimed at addressing climate change. In the Presbytery of Yukon we have held three special events making that linkage, [1] and many others are also engaged in that effort including the Presbyterians for Earth Care in their upcoming national conference, Blessing the Waters of Life: Justice and Healing for Our Watershed, to be held at Menucha Retreat Center in September.  Given all this coordinated action, it is important to show why repentance from the doctrine of discovery fits hand-in-hand with climate change ministry.   For some, I believe, the connection will not be obvious.   Yet, the two efforts are really the right and left hand of one, integrated focus for ministry.   To begin making that point, let me lean on biblical scholar, Matthew Richard Schlimm. Schlimm points out that the Hebrew Bib...