Gardening with a gun on my hip
Yesterday really felt strange to me. On the one hand it was a great afternoon to be outside. The snow is gone, the ground is drying out, and the mosquitoes are not biting…much. I found myself reveling in the work of cutting out some dead wood and making room for the new growth we are planning this year. I almost never get to do brush-work when there is no snow and no mosquitoes. What a day! On the other hand, I was doing this work with my Smith-and-Wesson .44 magnum handgun hanging on my hip. You see, the day before yesterday our neighbor was attacked by an 800 lb grizzly bear . The bears are particularly hungry this time of year, given that they haven’t had much to eat in six months, and that the salmon won’t be in our river for another six weeks. The bear chased our neighbor down, clawed him up a bit and the, mercifully, left him alone. As I enjoyed being outside preparing ground for permaculture-style ga...
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